Safety Tips Burglars Hope You Don't Know....

Whether you have a security system at your home or not, there are a few precautions worth taking to protect yourself, your family, and your belongings. Here's a few tips that burglars hope you don't know.
  1. WE'VE MET BEFORE.... Remember me? I was just in your home last week cleaning your carpets, washing your windows, or painting your walls. You gave me access to see all of your valuables and how easily I can access them. Tip: Keep careful records of unfamiliar guests you allow in your home. Wisely choose a reputable company.
  2. WHILE I WAS THERE... Thanks for letting me use the bathroom while I was at your home last week, while I was there I left the back window unlocked so I could access it later. Tip: Inspect what you expect. If you think all of your doors and windows are locked, double check to make sure they are.
  3. I GAUGE WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HOME BY WHAT YOU KEEP OUTSIDE YOUR HOME... You have a nice car parked in your driveway and your yard is meticulously maintained, that tells me you have good taste. Tip: If possible, park cars inside a garage. Do not leave toys left in the yard.
  4. I KNOW WHEN YOU AREN'T HOME... There are a pile of newspapers in your driveway and your mailbox hasn't been emptied in a couple days. In summer, your grass is over grown and in winter, I see your driveway is not shoveled. You must be out of town. Tip: If you are going out of town, make sure to stop newspaper and mail and find a neighbor or hire a service to take care of lawn maintenance and snow removal. Keep lights on inside the home while you are gone to give the appearance that you are still inside.
  5. I'LL LOOK EVERYWHERE FOR SOMETHING VALUABLE... Just because you've hidden jewelry in your underwear drawer doesn't mean I won't go looking for it! Tip: If you have a number of valuables in your home, keep them locked in a secure safe that is bolted to the wall.
  6. I MAKE SURE YOU AREN'T HOME BEFORE I ENTER... I generally knock first. If you don't answer I look for signs that you might be home. If I think you're there, I will not risk it. Tip: Leaving a loud tv or radio on as well as a few lights are a good deterrent for burglars.
  7. I DON'T LIKE SECURITY SYSTEMS... Homes with security systems are too risky, and don't provide enough time to grab what I want. Tip: Homes with security systems are 300% less likely to experience a break-in. If you cannot afford a security system purchase security signs and stickers to put in your windows as a deterrent.


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